Silk is for Seduction at a sweet price in the UK. How's £0.99?

For years I waited for my new books to become easily available in the UK.  For years I wanted to be able to tell my Australian readers, "Yes!  You can get the eBook now!"

It's happened.  Not only that—and not only have Mills & Boon created some luscious covers for my Dressmakers series, but  a wonderful Mother's Day promotion* is now in progress, and the first Dressmakers book, Silk is for Seduction, (Marcelline's story) is part of it.  The eBook is on sale at a delightful price of  £0.99!

*Mother's Day in the U.K. is 30 March.

EBooks Formatting Errors Chapter 365

1814-05 Opera Dress-Ackermann-IA-001.jpg

As I’ve whined elsewhere on this site, Vixen in Velvet --aka Leonie's book--is still in progress. Can I explain why it’s taken two years instead of one and had to be rewritten seven hundred times?  Maybe I could, but this would take a very long time and a great many words better used in completing the book rather than explaining its tortoise pace to the finish line.

And this eternity of writing one book also explains why I’m still behindhand in correcting errors in eBooks.

However, as reported previously (here and here), Knaves’ Wager, The Lion’s Daughter, and Captives of the Night have been cleaned up.  Kindle and Nook readers have received notice of updates.

However I learned not long ago, to my consternation, that readers of iBooks and some other formats never received these notices. And so I put on my Sherlock Holmes hat and investigated.

It turns out that the iBookStore sends out update notifications only if the book is made with the iBooks program.  We didn’t use that program.  But that doesn’t mean readers can’t get a clean version of the book for free.  It only means they don’t receive notice about updates.

If you’re an iBook reader looking for the updates of the aforementioned books, you simply re-download the book from your purchased books or the iBookstore on your iPad.

As noted above, it’ll be a while before any more of these early books get updated.  Completing Vixen in Velvet is my top priority.  The good news is, I’m working on the last quarter of the book.

Where are the U.K. eBooks?

 Ball Dress, Ackermann's Repository 

 Ball Dress, Ackermann's Repository 

From time to time readers contact me, asking why they can't obtain my more recent titles as eBooks in the U.K. and Australia.  If I tried to explain all the rights and contracts rigmarole, this post would go on for miles and everybody would fall asleep, and then I would have a cure for insomnia and become a very rich woman.  It sounds like a good retirement plan, but I don't have the time.  I have books to write. 

I think all anybody needs or wants to know is that the unavailability of my eBooks in these English-speaking countries has to do with certain publishing rights (and these are not the same for every book or every publisher), that these rights are negotiated, and eventually contracts get signed.

In my case, this process seems to have been going on forever in relation to the U.K./Australia situation.  However, after this apparent eternity, we seem to have dotted every i and crossed every t, and I recently learned that my UK publisher is in editing mode.  I sent in an updated bio.  My hopes are up.  I think this is actually going to happen—maybe before the end of the year.

Please watch this space for updates.  And virtual bottles of champagne. 

And to my readers in the U.K. and Australia:  Thank you for your extreme patience.