Dukes Prefer Blondes Now Available for UK/AU/NZ

Things happened more quickly than expected, and some of my readers were ahead of me on this.

I’m delighted to report that my readers in the UK/AU/NZ can now download Dukes Prefer Blondes to their Kindles. Ebooks for other digital readers—iBooks, Kobo, GooglePlay, etc.—will take a bit longer, but you can expect them to be available within two weeks.

Thanks to Corinne & Sue for the early warning system! And thank you all for your patience & loyalty. My readers are the best!

Dukes Prefer Blondes eBooks abroad

Readers in the UK have contacted me because they are not seeing Dukes Prefer Blondes listed as available in eBook form.

This brings us to the dreaded subject of International Contracts, which I’ve mentioned a few times, most recently here.

Unfortunately, we don’t yet have a contract in the UK/Australia/New Zealand for Dukes Prefer Blondes. The good news is, my agents are working on it, with plenty of irritating nagging from me. The bad news is, I still don’t have a more specific date than “sometime in 2016.”

I’m very sorry it's necessary yet again to seek my international readers’ forgiveness and ask for their patience. You are all extremely gracious and good-humored about it, which would make me feel worse if it were possible to feel any worse than I do already. All I can do is apologize, thank you for your forbearance, and try to keep you informed.

As soon as my agents give me more specific news, I’ll post here. If you haven’t already, you might want to subscribe to the blog—upper right hand corner of this page—and get the posts in your email inbox. As a glance at the Recent Posts list will demonstrate, you’re in no danger of being inundated.

Image: Isaac Cruikshank,The Lending Library, between 1800-1811, courtesy Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection.